Worried about a loved one?
Perhaps a parent or relative has recently been diagnosed with dementia, and you will want to know how best to support and care for them.
For over 10 years we have been supplying specialist dementia products, so we know there are THREE straightforward steps you can take now to help make a home safer and maintain a good quality of life for longer – and it won’t cost you a fortune.
STEP ONE: You can help at mealtimes. With dementia a person may slowly develop sight problems and be less able to recognise food on a white plate. They may not realise they’re hungry either because they think they’ve eaten, or they may start to spill their food because they’ve lost co-ordination. Coloured plates will help them to see what they’re eating, encourage them to eat more and boost their nutritional intake. A raised rim on the edge of the plate or bowl CLICK HERE will also make it easier to pick up the food with less spillage. Drinking can also become difficult, so a two handled mug in a bright colour is easier to see and pick up. We even offer one-way drinking straws to further reduce spillage.
STEP TWO: You can help in the toilet and bathroom. Going to the toilet can be a source of anxiety for a person with dementia. They might become confused about their surroundings and go somewhere inappropriate because they can’t find the toilet in time. First of all, a high visibility sign on the door will help them to locate the toilet CLICK HERE; This may even be necessary in a home where a person has lived for many years. We also offer raised toilet seats in bright red or blue, which are easier to see than a plain white toilet as eyesight worsens. They’re also easier to use as mobility reduces. In the bathroom, a coloured grab rail will also be more easily visible and help the user to get in or out of the bath or on and off the toilet safely. These simple measures will help to prevent accidents, reduce stress and promote dignity.
STEP THREE: You can help with safety all around the home. People with dementia are prone to wander, perhaps because they are disoriented, confused about the time or feeling anxious about their surroundings. This can be a source of worry for you the carer because you’re concerned for their safety and can’t always be on the spot to watch out for them. If you’re in the same home, sensor pads can alert you when they get out of bed or leave a room. If you’re not able to be there, a pendant alarm or monitoring system CLICK HERE will help you stay in touch and alert you to problems.
These are just three of many simple and effective ways in which the products we offer can support people with dementia. We also have a wide range of other products, for example a dementia day clock CLICK HERE to help a person whose memory is failing keep track of time. Or activities and games for dementia such as jigsaws and memory cards which can stimulate the brain and help people to reconnect with their past.
Do have a look through the site to find what else you can do to make life easier for the person living with dementia and for you, the carer.